So Alex and I just watched the Blue Zones documentary (have you seen it?). Honestly, it re-energized us about what we are passionate about: eating homemade whole foods, and living an active life filled with community and purpose.
More thoughts on that later, but it inspired us to refresh some of our Mediterranean diet content and create some new resources! Up today, breakfast!
20 Mediterranean Diet Breakfast Ideas
The Mediterranean diet has been called one of the best diets in the world (and it’s generally the way we’ve been eating for the past decade or so!). When it comes to breakfast, the focus is on whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and nuts and seeds. We have a resource for our top Mediterranean diet recipes. But we realized we didn’t have a resource specifically for breakfast.
So, here are our top 20 Mediterranean Diet Breakfast Ideas! From quinoa breakfast bowls to baked oatmeal, we hope you’ll find something you love in this list :)
Now we didn’t invent this concept, but it’s a trick that’s worth knowing and a great use for a lone banana ripening on the counter.
Of course like most internet “hacks,” it sounds too good to be true. But take it from this real human who has made countless batches. These nutrient-rich pancakes really do come out sweet, fluffy, and delicious!
I’ve even whipped them up in a pinch with our 1-year-old Britta on my hip and let me tell you: these really work. Slather them with nut butter and they’re perfect for a quick breakfast or tasty afternoon snack (our kids inhale them).
Try these 3 Ingredient Banana Pancakes!